Ramana biography: Warm responses


I am very happy to receive warm response from people who received Ramana biography in Nepalese language and enjoyed reading it. My gratitude goes to my Swiss friends who gifted money to publish this book and asked me to give it as gift to Nepalese people who are inquisitive. When I remember my Swiss friends a Sanskrit verse written by Poet Silhan comes in my mind. The verse goes like this:

आत्मज्ञानविवेकनिर्मलधियः कुर्वन्त्यहो दुष्करं यन्मुञ्चत्युपभोग भाञ्ज्यपि धनान्येकान्ततो निस्पृहाः 

न प्राप्तानि पुरा न सम्प्रति न च प्राप्तौ दृढ प्रत्ययो, वाञ्छामात्र परिग्रहाण्यपि वयं त्यक्तुं न तानि क्षमाः ।।

It means: Blessed are the people who have purified their mind and live in a state of pure awareness. I wonder how they can gift abundant money to others which they could spend for their luxury. We don't have money now nor do we have good qualification or skill to earn in future; still we can't even renounce the grasping for the money that is not there! 

Below are some of the appreciations to Ramana Maharshi Biography by Nepalese readers.

Basu Swami: Reading Ramana bio gives an impression as if the reader is staying in Ramana Ashrama. A vivid picture of Ramana living in harmony in his Ashrama in Tiru is soothing to heart. Ramana loved to stay in silence most of the time, however, he had boundless compassion toward people and even animals. This book presents Maharshi's biography as well as his core message for awakening. 'Drop the ego self, you are Satchidananda.' Maharshi's words will always guide me. I am happiest to receive Ramana bio as a gift. Thank you for this beautiful present. (Swamiji runs a meditation center in Kathmandu.)

 Shiva Raj Ghimire: I was gifted a lot of books by Missionaries. While I received Ramana bio, for the first time I realized a worth reading book in my hand. Every word in this book connects us with Ramana who is always in a state of pure awareness. Ramana's words are powerful because he said what he lived. This is the book that should reach every Nepalese people's home. I salute the friends who gifted money to make this book available free of cost. (Ghimire runs yoga center in Patan.)

Sharada Gyawali: 'Who am I?' is the only worthwhile thing to know. Drop the ego, get rid of all attachments, be silent and still. You will encounter your true Self in moments of pure awareness. Stick to the experience and it will expand and envelop your whole being.

These are the core teachings of Ramana Maharshi. I enjoyed reading Ramana bio so much. It is really beautiful thing such a profound message of an awakened Being are available in Nepale language. May Dharma bless you all who made this possible. (Gyawali is a school teacher.)

Deependra Mudbhari: I was suffering from stress and anxiety. I was in total confusion not knowing what to do. Uncertainty and fear were enveloping me and eating me up. As I received Ramana bio written in Nepalese language, first, I looked at the cover photo of Maharshi. Ramana's extraordinarily still and calm appearance made me spellbound. How could a person look so peaceful and aware? I started reading his life and teachings. Ramana's message: "The higher power knows what to do and how to do it…Trust it'' gave me a lot relief. As I completed reading the whole book, it made me unburdoned. I am feeling much lighter and playfull. Thank you so much for this precious gift. My prayers to the Dharma friends who are supporting to publish this book. May the Divine be always with these kind hearted people. (Mudbhari is a Student.)

Yogi Chet Nath Adhikari – "What is the purpose of knowing everything else if you don't know who you are?"

"Peace is everywhere. If you are not aware of here now, you may not see peace.''

These are the most powerful messages from Ramana. While reading his bio, we understand who we are and how to stand still, drop the mind and feel the Oneness.

Thank you all friends who made this bio possible in Nepalese language. May Shiva bless you all. (Adhikari runs yoga center in Thamel.)

Deepak Acharya – Ramana's life and teachings are enlightening. His simplicity and total awareness is very much inspiring to everyone who is inquisitive to higher life. I am a lot impressed by Ramana's state of living. He used to live in a state of witnessing consciousness and mastered the art of accepting things as they come and letting them go as they depart. I would love to visit Tiru some day and feel pure energy of Ramana around the Arunachala. Thank you Dharma friends for the gift. (Deepak Acharya is a yoga instructor.)

Bhola Lamsal: This bio relates a story of a saint who attained extraordinary power just by practicing silence. While enjoying deep meditation, Ramana would forget his physical body. The narration of his out of body experience is inspiring. These experiences inspire today's generation. There is something wortwhile to explore in life. There is more in life than watching computer screen or playing with smart phones. Ramana's story helps us realize our inner peace and joy. Thank you a lot friends for making this book available in Nepalese language. (Lamsal is a government employee)

Rajan Mani Poudyal: The story of awakening is sweeter in experience. Netra Acharya has beautifully presented the story of Ramana in Nepalese language. I am reciting parts of Ramana bio and broadcasting from out TV channel. Many people are giving amazing responses. I express my gratitude to Dharma friends from abroad. I am sure your goodwill and compassion will result a lot goodness. (Poudyal is a media person.)